Under the Sea - 5 Beginner Piano Digital Games | C Position

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LEVEL Beginner
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

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This digital piano game Mega Bundle will help beginner piano students feel confident recognizing notes in the C position.


This resource is perfect for beginning piano students ages 3 and up. 

Students will love the colorful under the sea theme and watch Scuba Steve give them a thumbs up for every correct answer they receive. 

If they get a question wrong, Scuba Steve will be trapped by an octopus and they must try again!  


This is a DIGITAL game that can be played on android, apple, or windows products. 

With the purchase of this product, you are allowed to share the link with your students to practice at home!!! Students can play on cell phones, tablets, or computers, and sharing the link is EASY.

This bundle includes 5 digital piano games with the Under the Sea theme. 

Game 1: Keyboard Geography - Reinforces the white keys on the piano.

Game 2: Treble Clef C, D, and E on the staff - This game is perfect for Piano Pronto users for the first few songs or for young students.
Game 3: C Position Right Hand- Drill middle C to treble G on the staff.

Game 4: C Position Left Hand- Drill C position for the left hand.

Game 5: C Position Both Hands- The ultimate challenge! Can your student identify all 10 notes from C position? 

This bundle includes 2 versions that are only available with the purchase of the MEGA Bundle.


Each Game In This resource includes:

  •  Instruction PDF

  • Interactive PDF- Perfect when you don’t have an internet connection

  • Google Slides- Play in present mode

  • PowerPoint Presentation- Great for those using Microsoft Office

  • BONUS: With the purchase of the MEGA BUNDLE, you will also receive QR Code Posters to keep in your studio & QR Code Slips to send home with students for at-home practice.  Colorful & Black and White versions are included. 


Download, Click, & Play - there is no prep necessary with this resource! 


Under the Sea Digital Game Preview:


Melodic Mentors Digital Game Tutorial:



Want to try it before you buy it? Check out this product listing:
Beginner Digital Game- Treble C, D, E- Under the Sea Freebie


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I’m so glad you stopped by my store and checked out this resource! 


❤️ Tara Wright, Melodic Mentors


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