Chord Stacker™ and Scale Speller

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PRODUCT TYPE Physical Product
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Handcrafted in small batches

The ability to recognise and play chords without hesitation benefits all musicians. For improvisers, scale and chord fluency enables such practical skills as learning tunes by ear, transforming lead sheets to arrangements, jamming with others, and creating one’s own part in bands. For those who prefer to play written music, facility with scales and chords improves learning literature through harmonic analysis, enhances sight-reading by predicting what will come next, and facilitates memorisation by internalising underlying progressions. Now your students can enjoy learning essential music theory concepts with their hands as mine do. 

Wooden board - handmade from reclaimed lumber with four precision-cut channels. Note that colours may vary. Size: 5.5 x 8.5 x 3/4 inches.

Wooden tiles - 58 total

28 “white keys” - A, B, C, D, E, F, G (x 4) stamped on one side only which enables you to potentially customise the blank side.

28 “black keys” Ab, A#, Bb, B#, Cb, C#, Db, D#, Eb, E#, Fb, F#, Gb, G# (x 4) stamped on both sides.

1 blank tile in case you lose one.

(Note that chord symbols are not included)

Note: Handmade from repurposed wood so colour variations and imperfections are normal

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