Sensory Sight Reading Book 1 - Studio License

  • $29.00
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LEVEL Beginner
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

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What most sight-reading methods fail to acknowledge is the importance of ALL the senses, not just what we see through learning notes and rhythms on the page.

What we HEAR through the development of our aural skills, what we FEEL through a kinaesthetic awareness of our hands across the keys, and precisely HOW WE SEE by improving our perception of shapes through intervals and pattern recognition, are all essential ingredients to developing effective long term sight-reading skills.

​Developing The Senses

SIGHT - Develops note reading skills using intervallic reading and pattern recognition.

SOUND - Integrates Solfa ear training methods and fosters recognition of intervals and melodic/rhythmic patterns.

TOUCH - Strengthens the kinaesthetic relationship between what you see on the page and what you feel on the keys.

TIME - Enhances rhythmic sense through a variety of rhythm patterns and metres.

What's Inside Sensory Sight Reading Book 1

Carefully designed for preliminary students as young as 4 years old, Sensory Sight Reading Book 1 starts students with pre staff reading, gradually moving onto on staff reading, as well as easy to imitate rhythm and aural exercises.

With 50 lessons and 150 individual exercises, that can be done in 5 mins or less, teachers can easily customise the way they want to teach, either by choosing areas needing more attention or by systematically working through all the exercises to completely cover the bases.

Sensory Sight Reading is a convenient all in one solution to help you save time, stay consistent, keep costs down, and keep track so you can make genuine progress with sight-reading.

Available as a Digital Interactive PDF you have the flexibility to print out or use as a digital file for online, or paperless lessons. 

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