A Jazzy Christmas Book 2 - mp3 backing tracks

A Jazzy Christmas Book 2 - mp3 backing tracks

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PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

Play along with the band!

This arrangements in A Jazzy Christmas books were written in a duet format so easy student parts could be supported with richer teacher accompaniments. Unfortunately, now that many teachers have switched from live studio lessons to teaching online, duets are no longer practical due to internet latency. These enhanced backing tracks are designed to fill this gap. Simply ask your students to purchase and play along with the tracks both in the lesson and while practicing.


  • Each track has two versions:
    1. Both parts to help the student understand how they fit together.
    2. No student part to simulate playing a duet.

  • In addition to the written student and teacher piano parts, all tracks are further enhanced with bass and drum parts just because it's fun to play jazzy tunes with a band.

  • Tempos are averaged within the suggested range indicated for each tune. Many modern media players and apps now have options to slow down (for learning) or speed up (for a faster performance) as desired.

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