Boom Cards: Butterfly Chords (Identifying Major and Minor Chords)

  • $3.25
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LEVEL Early Intermediate
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

This cute butterfly themed deck of 62 cards will help students become more confident in identifying chords. Students will be see a little piano with 3 butterflies on 3 piano keys and will need to identify the name and type of chord it is. 
If they have a piano available in front of them, they can replicate the chord they see, and use their ears to determine if the chord is major or minor. Otherwise, there's a little audio button that they can press and listen to, to determine if that chord is major or minor.
This deck covers the following chords: C major, D major, E major, F major, G major, A major, B major, C minor, D minor, E minor, F minor, G minor, A minor, and B minor. 
This deck includes written and audio instructions and are great for online or in-person lessons!

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