Boom Cards: Finger Patterns and Numbers for Right Hand

  • $4.25
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LEVEL Early Intermediate
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

This deck of 98 cards will help your piano students reinforce repeated notes, steps, and skips and associating them to their right hand finger numbers. In other words, they'll see a pattern of notes, with a starting finger number. They'll start with that finger, and follow the pattern. If the notes step down, then they'll have to step down with their fingers. If the notes skip up, they'll have to "skip" with their fingers. Once they finish following the pattern, they'll have to pick the hand with the star that matches the finger number they landed on!

There's a starting screen that will explain how to play the deck!

This is great for late beginner students, once they truly have a grasp on their finger numbers, and want to take it a step up (pun intended!)

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