Boom Cards: NoteMatch - 3 Question Method

  • $2.50
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LEVEL Beginner
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

This 60 deck of cards reinforces a method created by Tara Boykin, called the 3 Question Method. The three steps in identifying any note on the staff are the following:
1- Is the note in the Treble Clef or the Bass clef?
2- Is it a LINE note or a SPACE note?
3- If it's a LINE note, is it line 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5? If it's a SPACE note, is it space 1, 2, 3 or 4?
Each card requires students to pick between the given options, next to each number. If students understand this process, they'll never have trouble finding a note on the staff again!
This process truly helps students find the notes on the piano as well, especially if they use Tara's piano reading tool, NOTEMATCH. Reading music has never been easier with that tool!
Head over to theCascade Method for more information on all Tara's methods and tools!

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