Boom Cards: Sight Reading (Same, Skip, Step) Christmas Theme

  • $3.25
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LEVEL Early Intermediate
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

This boom deck is perfect for a sight reading activity! The only types of intervals included are unisons, steps and skips, and students will only see quarter notes and quarter rests.

There are no clefs included so you can either give your student a starting note, or they can pick any note on the piano, and sight read from there.

You can also choose a clef, or tell the student what the note would be if there were a clef. I've based a lot of these cards off of Treble G and Bass F (landmark system).

There is no answer to pick from in this deck and is more so to be used with the teacher to check that the reading is correct.

I just wanted to create this deck so that I wouldn't have to cut out 100 cards by hand, and so that I could also use them with both online and in-person students!

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