C Position Note Name Game for Beginners – Lost at Sea
LEVEL | Beginner |
PRODUCT TYPE | Digital Download |
If you have beginners in a method book that starts with C position notes, Lost at Sea will be the perfect way to accelerate their progress. Players race to land, but they have to be careful! Two wrong moves and you might end up swimming back to the shipwreck for safety.
- Place a game counter for each player on the shipwreck driftwood.
- Place the card deck face down beside the board.
- Players take turns to flip a card from the deck and try to name the note.
- If they are correct they may roll the die and move forward.
- If they are incorrect they must move to the plank attached to the barrel they are on. If they answer incorrectly when they are on the last plank they fall into the sea and have to swim back to the shipwreck to start over.
- The winner is the first to reach the Republic of Noterania.
- Print out the game board (pages 3-4). Cut along the dotted lines, laminate if desired and tape the board together.
- Print out the game cards (pages 7-8) double sided. Cut the cards along the dotted lines and laminate if desired.
- You will also need a game counter (button, small toy, eraser, etc.) for each player and a die.
Lost at Sea is a fun way for beginners to practice C position notes in the treble and bass clef so that these are really secure before they broaden their note reading range.
Theory Concepts Covered: C position note names
Student Level: Beginner
Activity type: Board game
Number of players: 2-8 players
Seasonal: Not season specific
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