C2: Igniting the Power Within - Practice Incentive Theme

  • $35.00
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LEVEL Multiple Levels
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

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C2: igniting the power within is designed to help students develop competence and character. Competence is gained by focusing on three distinct areas each week: Technique and Theory, Rhythm and Reading, and Listening and Creating. The teacher may give any assignments she deems appropriate to the age and level of the student in these three areas, plus any others.

At each lesson students are rated on a scale of 1-5 for each assignment (a rubric is given at the beginning of the assignment book so that students can see what is required to receive each rating) based on how much they practiced and how successfully they demonstrate proficiency of the assignment given. They also receive a 1-5 rating for their attitude at the lesson. Once a student earns 60 points, they earn a "Power Card" which reveals the name of a specific kind of power in our society and gives them the possibility of earning additional points. At the end of the year, an Awards Ceremony recognizes each student for their growth in character and competence throughout the year.

Package Includes: PDF and Word Doc versions of student assignment books, wall decor, studio photos, Power Cards, and teacher instructions.


"I recently purchased your C2 [practice incentive theme]. Thanks so much! Love your incentive programs. I buy a new one every year!" ~Debby C.

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