Character Piano Keys File Folder

  • $1.50
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LEVEL Beginner
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

Students will quickly learn to recognize the piano keys with the help of some fun friends! Cat, Dog, Elephant, Frog, Grandma, Aria (she can be named any A name), and Bee. I like to show my students that the two-black group is the dog house and the three-black group is Grandma's house. Grandma is in the first window because she lives there. Aria is in the second window. She likes to visit her grandma. You can tell your students stories about the characters and have them place characters in their correct locations as you say them or have your students make up their own stories and tell them to you.


1. Cut out the keyboard and glue it to the inside of your file folder (leave room for the letters to fit below the keyboard).

2. Write a title on the tab of your file folder. example: "Character and Letter Keys"

3. Laminate the entire file folder

4. Cut out and laminate the individual characters and letters

5. Cut out the laminated characters and letters and attach velcro on the back of each one.

6. Stick the characters and letters on the correct keys. (I put the characters on the keys and the letters directly below the keys)

7. You can package tape an envelope to the blank side of the file folder to store pieces in, or attach extra velcro to the blank side to return scrambled pieces to when finished.

I love these file folders because I can send even young students to choose a folder to work on independently while I work individually with another student!  My students love these too!  They are faster for little fingers to put together than filling out theory worksheets and they are reusable.  Win win!   I use different colored folders for different levels so I know which color to send my students to grab.  Be sure to check out my other folders to add to your collection!

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