Musical Flowers | Note Recognition Game

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Have your students grow their own musical and colourful flowers! 

- 7 flower middles with letters on 
- 35 coloured petals with treble clef notes, bass clef notes, piano notes 

How to Play:
There are a few ways of using the musical flowers:

Individual students can have the flower middles and petals scattered over the table (or hidden around the room). Their aim is to then complete all the flowers with the correct notes around the flower middle (e.g. the 'B' flower middle will have 2 treble clef B petals, 2 bass clef B petals, and a piano note B petal). 

Individual students could be presented with 7 completed flowers, but the petals may not be in the right places - the student then works out which petals are in the wrong place and moves them to the correct place. 

- If you have more than one student they can be allocated a flower middle / two flower middles each and then race to complete all their flowers first. 

- If you have more than one student, you can print off two copies of the game, sort your students into two teams, and see who can create 7 correct musical flowers the quickest. 

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