Dino Volcano Dynamics Board Game

  • $4.99
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LEVEL Beginner
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

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This dinosaur-themed game covers dynamic markings and will help beginner piano students correlate dynamic symbols with their names and meanings. 


Students will go through the game board with the dinosaurs as they match definitions and term names with the dynamic symbol on the game board. 

This beginner piano game covers pianissimo, piano, mezzo piano, mezzo forte, forte, and fortissimo. 


The gameboard consists of dynamic symbols (pp, p, mp, mf,f, and ff) on the stones while the game cards have very soft and pianissimo, etc. written on the cards.  

If a student draws a card with “Moderately Soft” written on the card, they should hop to the next stone with ms written on it.  

The first person to the finish line is the winner.  

You can choose if you would like to play with one or two pages for the game board (depending on how much time you have during the lesson).  

One page takes 1-2 minutes to play! 


With this digital download, you will receive a 15-page pdf that includes an instruction sheet, two 2-page game boards (one is printer-friendly), 36 playing cards, 4 optional gameplay cards (move back 3 spaces, go back to start, switch places with an opponent, and lose a turn), and optional game card backings. 


This 15-page digital download includes:

  • Instruction sheet

  • two 2-page game boards

  • 36 playing cards

  • 4 optional gameplay cards

  • optional game card backings


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❤️ Tara Wright, Melodic Mentors

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