Drop the Beet - Note & Rest Value Recognition

  • $3.49
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LEVEL Beginner
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

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Drop the beet is a fun and quirky game for beginning music students.

Are you looking for a fun and quirky game to help your beginning music students master note and rest value recognition?


This piano game is a fun and engaging piano resource used to reinforce note or rest values and may be just the resource you need.  


One of the truths about learning note values, is that some students have trouble remembering how many counts each note or rest gets.


I created this note and rest value piano game to be MORE than just a boring worksheet.  


Your students will:

? Jump with joy as they “drop” the “beet” dice on the ground and race to find what note value they rolled. 

? Will the student beat the teacher in this fast paced game?

? If a student gets the answer correct, they place a toke on the board.  If the student answers incorrectly, the teacher collects one of the played tokens. 

? If the teacher collects 5 tokens, the teacher wins.  


This beginner notepad rest value game for piano students can be completed in the last 5 minutes of the lesson.


Materials Needed:

  • Gameboard (included)

  • Dice (included) 

  • 12 tokens for the student (not included)


This is perfect for students ages 3-10 years.




What is included?

? Gameboard

? Beat Dice (You will need to cut and glue/tape these.)

? Photo Prop

? Instructions



If you liked this product, you might also like:

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  ? Squawking Chicken Rhythm Game 



I’m so glad you stopped by my store and checked out this resource! 


❤️ Tara Wright, Melodic Mentors


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