Hop, Skip and a Jump | Easter Game | Music Intervals

  • $3.00
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LEVEL Beginner
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

A fun music game to review intervals. Students will spin the spinner and find the interval on the keyboard. They will then move that interval # on the game board. Watch for the Hop, Skip and Jumps along the way!
Spinner options:
Homemade option 1: You will want to get what is called a brad. (you can find them at office supply store's, etc...) then I just take a paperclip and wrap it around it. With the long part of the paper clip sticking straight out. Make sure you print the spinner on card stock.
Homemade option 2: Take a long paper clip and hold a pen or pencil on the end of the paper clip and spin.
Amazon option 1: Amazon also sells separate spinners you can add to the board and purchase here.
Amazon option 2: Or my latest favorite option! Place a transparent spinner on top! Click here to order it on Amazon.
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