Music Practice Challenge Logs | Practice Logs for Band

  • $2.00
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LEVEL Multiple Levels
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

If you are looking for a fun twist on the traditional band practice log, then this product is for you! Rather than logging minutes spent practicing, students will have a choice in specific practice-related tasks that they can choose. With over 70 different practice ideas, they won’t get bored!
Each sheet contains 15 practice suggestions, as well as a spot for self-reflection on what is going well and what needs improvement. Practice ideas and techniques included cover a wide range of topics such as practicing ensemble and solo repertoire, improvising, and listening. Students are given ideas on new ways to practice difficult passages and are encouraged to learn new techniques to push themselves further.
This resource contains:
20 Practice Challenge Worksheets - each with 15 different practice challenge tasks and a section for self-reflection.

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