Music Theory Beginner C

Music Theory Beginner C

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Music Theory Beginner C is the third workbook of the ABC Series. These workbooks provide young students (ages 6 - 10) with a solid foundation in music theory with practical applications. Fun and Engaging with 12 Lessons, Reviews and Sight Reading & Ear Training Games (Imagine, Compose, Explore).

The Music Theory Beginner C Workbook (88 pages) features these concepts and more!

TREBLE & BASS CLEF - Bass C to Treble C, Landmark notes, sharps (F, C) flats (B, E)

PATTERNS - Same (line or space), Step, Skip, Leap (a fifth) and Octave (up or down)

PENTASCALES - Major (C, G, D, A), minor (C, G, D, A) and melodies on pentascales

TIME SIGNATURE - Note Values for Whole, Half, Quarter, Eighth and Rest Values

ANALYSIS - Musical Concepts, Terms, Symbols and Signs

BONUS - Music Theory C - Guide and Chart!


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