My Favorite Songs on the Black Keys - a Sequential Collection for Beginners - INDIVIDUAL LICENSE

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LEVEL Preschool
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

My Favorite Songs on the Black Keys is a collection of popular songs which can be used to practice sight-reading finger number notation on the piano with any age. Students of any age will recognize the melodies and will want to sing along.

The songs are sequenced in order of difficulty to read, starting with songs playable with one hand, then moves on to one-page songs that alternate hands, and then two-page songs. The left-hand notes are colored red as well as turned stem down to assist in differentiating right and left-hand notes.

Table of Contents:

  1. Hot Cross Buns – LH

  2. Hot Cross Buns – RH

  3. Mary Had a Little Lamb – LH

  4. Mary Had a Little Lamb – RH

  5. Rain, Rain Go Away

  6. Ring Around the Rosie

  7. Clocktower Chimes

  8. Old McDonald

  9. Au Clair de la Lune

  10. Morning (Greig)

  11. Camptown Races

  12. Baby Shark

  13. Eensie Weensie

  14. Go Tell It on the Mountain

  15. The Farmer in The Dell

  16. Amazing Grace

  17. Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen

  18. Pop Goes the Weasel

  19. Oh Suzanna

  20. I’ve Been Workin’ on the Railroad

  21. Auld Lang Syne


See my other arrangements:

Sheet Music Direct (copyrighted music available)

Top Music Marketplace (piano studio licenses available)

Teachers Pay Teachers (classroom licenses available)

To commission an arrangement or set up Zoom piano or art lessons, contact Elizabeth:

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