Rainbow Rhythm | St Patrick's Day Rhythm Game

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LEVEL Beginner
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

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Are you looking for a quick and fun St. Patrick's Day game to test your beginners' knowledge of rhythms and note values? 
Check out 'Rainbow Rhythm'! 

'Rainbow Rhythm' is a colourful game where players identify note values in order to move across the board and collect a rhythm coin for their rainbow. But beware, the evil leprechaun will steal a rhythm coin from any player that lands on him! The first player to collect all the correct rhythm coins for their rainbow is the winner! 

This game was designed to reinforce my beginner students' understanding of matching rhythms to syllables (for example, 'red' is a crotchet/ quarter note, and 'orange' is 2 quavers/2 eighth notes). I get them clapping the rainbows upon completion, going forwards and backwards, and then in order of their favourite colours. 

Included in the download:
- Instructions 
- Colourful game board
- Rhythm coins 
- Note value question cards 
(Semibreves/ whole notes, semibreve rests/ whole rests, minim/half notes, minim rests/ half notes, dotted minim/dotted half note, crotchet/quarter note, crotchet rest/quarter rest, 2 quavers/2 eighth notes, 4 semiquavers/4 sixteenth notes) 

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