Rhythm Flash Cards - Complete Level 1 - Digital!

  • $6.00
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PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

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Rhythm Flashcards - Digital & Printable:


Improve your students' sight reading and rhythm vocabulary.  This COMPLETE Level 1 set focuses on all the basic rhythm patterns in 4/4, 3/4, 2/4 & 5/4 time signatures.


Note - This bundle includes all our Level 1 Rhythm Flash Cards - 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, for use on your device, and they can also be printed.


Each card is visually appealing, colourful, clearly laid out, and easy to use with your preference of clapping, tapping, taka-dimi, French time names, body percussion, or percussion instruments, etc.


60+ slides covering basic one & two bar rhythm patterns (in 4 different sets) and in four basic simple time signatures.


These sets cover all the different possibilities of note combinations at this basic level, including: crotchets, minims, dotted minims, semibreves and quaver pairs (for our American friends that's quarter notes, half notes, dotted half notes, whole notes and eighth note pairs).  And the final slide in each set is an animated 'Congratulations' Gif slide - Great for student encouragement and motivation!

You can access these kid-friendly flashcards from any google friendly device, and use them in both classroom teaching and private instrumental lessons - either online via Zoom, Skype or similar, or in person. Printable on A4 paper or thin card so you can use a physical copy if you prefer.


Easy to use in your online instrumental or classroom teaching:

* Open in Google Slides

* Start you Zoom call (or similar video conference) call to your student

* When you want to use these online flash cards, share your screen & hop over to Google Slides - save for offline use if needed

* Simply click through the slides - as the student performs each one for you

* If they are stuck, help them out by demonstrating it - so they can hear and copy it

* Builds an internalised rhythm vocabulary for students - improves sight reading! 


Also easy to use with one-on-one students, in person:

* Open in Google Slides on your device (smart phone, tablet, iPad, computer, etc)

* You can then click through the slides, as the student learns & performs the rhythm patterns right beside you

* Enable it to 'offline' use, if you won't have internet access in your lessons


Ideal to use in private studios, classroom teaching, small-group learning, or buddy lessons - access with a computer or other device.  Or, print these rhythm cards to make a set of physical flash cards!


You may also like our Rhythm Cards Complete Level 2, which extends all the basic note patterns from Level 1, to include crotchet & minim rests, placed on all the different beats of the bar.  Or you can buy these two sets together, as a discount package for immediate download, here: RHYTHM Bundle COMPLETE Level 1 AND 2


Purchase it once and use it forever, with all the students that you teach personally. (Studios with multiple teachers will need to buy a digital copy for each teacher.)


We especially appreciate 5 star ratings, so if you purchase this product and have any concerns that may lower your rating, please contact us and we will endeavour to rectify any problem.

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