Scale Tracker Coloring Worksheets

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This scale tracker coloring chart will help piano students and piano teachers track students progress around the circle of fifths for major and minor scales and pentascales.

This coloring page will provide a structured way to track students’ progress, all while making a beautiful piece of art. 

As students master each scale, they are to color in a section of their progress chart. 

For my studio, I challenge my students to play each scale for 3 consecutive weeks. Each week that they are able to play the scale, they are allowed to color in one coloring section for that specific scale.  


You have the freedom to choose a challenge that you prefer. Here are a few examples:

The first week is right hand only.
The second week is left hand only.
The third week is both hands. 

You could also have students play a long with a metronome or backing tracks! An example of this challenge could look like the following:

First week: Both hands together - 60 bpm

Second week: Both hands together - 70 bpm

Third week: Both hands together with backing track - 65 bpm

I absolutely love using coloring charts with my students because they are eager to learn new scales and complete their challenges each and every week. I’ll be honest, most of my students start playing their scales before I even ask because they WANT to color in the next spot on their chart.

While you can give these sheets to your students to keep in a folder or binder, I highly recommend keeping them safe in the studio. 

Kids will sometimes be kids and lose or forget a sheet of paper.  Keeping all of your students' pages in a binder or folder inside of your studio will keep the pages safe and it also allows students to compare their progress to other students. This can be a huge motivator for some!!

This resource includes:

  • 11 page PDF Document

  • 2 coloring page styles for each scale type to suit your students’ preference

  • Major Pentascales, Minor Pentascales, Major Scales, and Minor Scales sheets are provided

  • No prep! Simply print and use. No laminating or cutting necessary. 


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❤️ Tara Wright, Melodic Mentors

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