Shades of Sound: Valentines Day - A Listening & Coloring Book for Pianists

  • $15.00
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PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

Listen, Learn, Color!

This super engaging and easy-to-implement music history & appreciation curriculum is a wonderful way to get your piano students listening to great music! Students of all ages will enjoy coloring the beautiful pictures while listening to and learning from the music of the great composers.

This newly-expanded and updated Valentine’s Day volume is all about love! Romantic piano solos, transcriptions of popular love songs, passionate string quartets, romances, rhapsodies, contemporary piano love songs and much more are included in this beautiful book. Includes 23 pieces by 20 composers, including five living composers and five female composers. Includes background and historical information on the pieces and the composers, links to access the online playlists and a beautiful full-page coloring page for each piece.

My goal in creating this curriculum is to help piano students gain an interest in and a love and appreciation for great classical music.

Aspiring pianists need to know the literature, hear the greats perform, and be inspired and excited by the great music that is available! Just as writers need to read, read, read, pianists need to listen! Through this fun curriculum, students will learn about the musical periods and the great composers and their works. Listening repertoire selected includes selections from the standard solo piano literature, as well as piano and orchestra literature and orchestral works.

My hope is that students can add just 5-10 minutes of listening per day to their normal practicing. Listening to great music will change their understanding of music and will vastly increase their music history knowledge. It will excite and inspire them, encourage further study and listening, give them new pieces to add to their own repertoire wish list, infuse more great music into their lives, homes and families, and will boost their musicianship and expression to the next level.

Digital download, 101 pages.

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