Student Duets Book 1 (Traditional Sheet Music)
Duets inspired by The Cascade Method Students.
Students that happen to be just like... yours!
The Student Duets Book 1 is filled with beautiful duets that were inspired by the students of The Cascade Method Program. Tara Boykin, Owner of The Cascade Method, was having trouble continuing to create memorable duets to teach her students. She thought, why not put the power of what they play in their own hands? Just like that, a long list of incredible duets originated from real-life students… that happen to be just like yours!
Each duet begins with the help of The Cascade Method Piano Theory Book- where students will learn a scale, and from that scale, a beautiful piece is written! Tara wanted to show that teaching such a boring and mundane thing like a scale can still lead to the creation of incredible music.
Once the scale is learned, students will know every single note used in the duet and gain major confidence.
When you involve your students in the creation process, something magical happens. In other words, a second edition of Student Duets is sure to hit the market in no time!
Recordings of each duet can be heard on SPOTIFY!!!
What is the Cascade Method Piano Theory Book?
Instead of having several boring, colorless theory books, this book can teach your students piano theory in a fun, colorful, and exciting way! Students will learn countless theory concepts such as rhythm, chords, scales, chord progressions, and much more. The Cascade Theory book is the one tool you need that can get your students from beginner all the way to composer status- guaranteed.
Become a Cascade Method Certified Teacher!
The Cascade Method Teaching Training Program values the role of the teacher. Whether you’re an aspiring or seasoned teacher, this online program teaches you how to instruct students in a fun and engaging way. For more information, head over to The Cascade Method website and grab all the details under the “Training Course” tab.
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