Theory Test Prep Pack

Theory Test Prep Pack

  • $25.00
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LEVEL Multiple Levels
PRODUCT TYPE Digital Download

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This bundle includes heaps of ways to practice drawing note values, landmark notes, scales, key signatures, stems, circle of keys and even counting. No mindless, busywork, just sheets that empower students to rock their theory!


Theory tests get pretty picky and require particular notation of items like note values, stems, key signatures, scales….

So along with drilling concepts at the piano in each lesson, using apps and workbooks during Off Bench time, test takers need to practice how to draw or notate all these concepts with confidence.

This bundle of over three dozen Handiwork sheets is offered as a studio license which means you can use the sheets over and over again with any of your students in person or online.

The Handiwork sheets aim to help students nail down the specifics of how to draw or notate just about everything you can think of…

  1. Treble and bass clef signs.

  2. Numbering of staff lines and spaces.

  3. Ten landmark notes.

  4. Stem direction in regards to pitches, beamed notes and chords.

  5. Note heads, stems, beams, flags and ledger lines.

  6. A system for memorizing how to draw the circle of keys—both major and minor (watch the video to see details.)

  7. A methodical way to remember Major and Perfect intervals.

  8. A grid system to help students understand how to write in counting in simple and compound time.


It includes a link to a free circle of keys featured here at created by Andrea West.

And, find quick links to additional tools that will help your students rock their theory including 8 levels of Quizlet flashcards I created for the National Federation of Music Clubs.

The video showcases each handiwork sheet and how to use them


Use this bundle to prep students for theory tests of any kind and really any level.

Design a summer camp around theory and use the sheets to reinforce concepts.

Even if your students don’t take theory tests, you’ll appreciate these Handiwork sheets for use during Off Bench Time to lock in theory concepts.

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