UMT COMPLETE Supplemental Workbook

UMT COMPLETE Supplemental Workbook

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The COMPLETE Supplemental Workbook is designed to be completed with the Step-by-Step Complete Rudiments Workbook. This impressive coil bound (214 pages), 9 X 12 workbook is a condensed edition of all LEVELS (1 - 8) of the UMT Supplemental Series and helps prepare students for college entrance exams and nationally recognized theory exams including the Royal Conservatory of Music. 

Bonus - Free Resources - Instant access to Music History Videos for all listening activities in the workbook. 

UMT Complete Rudiments Workbook plus the UMT COMPLETE Supplemental = RCM Theory Level 8. 

The COMPLETE Supplemental Workbook features these concepts and more!

  • PITCH - Transposition up or down any interval, Major or minor key (Treble, Alto, Tenor or Bass Clefs)
  • SCALES - Major, relative minors, Parallel, Enharmonic, Chromatic, Whole Tone, Ocatatonic, Blues, Modes
  • CHORDS - Maj, min & Dom 7th (root pos & inv), dim 7th (root pos), Authentic, Plagal & Half Cadences, Chord Symbols
  • INTERVALS - Simple and Compound Intervals & Inversions, above or below a given note
  • MELODY WRITING - Contrasting Period - Melody Writing (Major/minor key), Non-Chord Tones (unaccented)
  • ANALYSIS - Identification of concepts from this and previous levels in music examples, Texture, Terms
  • MUSIC HISTORY - Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modern Eras and Global Music Styles - Composers & their music
  • THEORY EXAM - Level 8

The Ultimate Music Theory™ Program and Supplemental Workbooks help students prepare for nationally recognized theory examinations including the Royal Conservatory of Music. Note: UMT Answer Books are available for ALL Levels.

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